Análisis del Conocimiento del Contenido Pedagógico Tecnológico (TPCK) en Educación Superior

Rodrigo Tovar Viera
David Abrajan
Johana Muso

Information Communication Technology research reflects the degree of integration of digital tools in language teaching. One of the key aspects to digital technologies is that certain technologies have affordances and constraints when designing technology-based learning activities, resulting in classroom technology practices in teaching languages creating a new research area for practitioners and researchers. The present study investigates English teachers’ technological competences and perceptions of using technology, pedagogy, and content in their language classrooms. A survey was applied to gather information about the use of technological tools, the integration of technology, pedagogy, and content in teaching English as well as knowledge about their components. Results revealed that although teachers applied technology in lessons and had knowledge of digital technology, potential learning activities were often overlooked. Teachers were not sufficiently skilled in technology-related knowledge domain. Since English teachers reported difficulty integrating the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework to plan technology-rich language instructions skillfully, research outcomes suggest that such a framework is needed in training programs. This affords teachers practical opportunities integrate technology into their classroom teaching practices. Ideally, research findings will uncover pedagogical implications and applications for further research.

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Cómo citar
Tovar Viera, R., Abrajan, D., & Muso, J. (2020). Análisis del Conocimiento del Contenido Pedagógico Tecnológico (TPCK) en Educación Superior. Revista Tecnológica - ESPOL, 32(2), 59-66.
Biografía del autor/a

Rodrigo Tovar Viera, Technical University of Cotopaxi

Rodrigo Tovar Viera is a PhD student from Ecuador and a recipient of a Stipendium Hungaricum grant. I am currently in the second year of the PhD Program in Applied Linguistics at University of Szeged, Hungary. I hold master’s degrees in Applied Linguistics to bilingual teaching: English-Spanish and University Teaching and Educative administration at Catholic University and Indoamerica University of Ecuador, respectively. I have also gained an ESL diploma at Army Polytechnic School, Department of Languages. My scholarly interest includes SLA and FLL, particularly in vocabulary acquisition, academic writing, and language development. My PhD project focuses on the writing academic style of native and nonnative writers. I teach language courses at the Faculty of Humanities and language studies at Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. I have been teaching language courses for 15 years.